Wednesday, March 2, 2011

cable 500 propaganda poster hunger games

I made a propaganda poster advertising that "Cable 500" was showing the Hunger Games live on television. I think that although my poster was simple, it had good content and ideas that made it a good poster. When I created it, I was thinking about different posters you may find stuck to a pole in the Capitol during the time that the Hunger Games was going on.

District 12 Hunger games Daily comic Day 4

This comic was ment to be something like you might find in a district 12 newspaper updating people on the daily events at the Hunger games. I wrote about the 4th day in the arena, focusing on Peeta and Katniss because they are the district 12 tributes. I included the day's main events, like who died or who got a major injury. I think that I did a good job with the comic because I payed attention to the actual events and visual details from the book to include in the strip.

Katniss' Interview dress

Monise and I made a fashion design blueprint paper that supposedly belonged to Cinna. We drew Katniss in her interview fire dress that Cinna designed for her. We added a quote from the book that talked about the dress. I helped with bringing the supplies and coloring in the drawing of Katniss. I think that we worked well together and I'm proud of what I contributed to the project. I also think that we followed the descriptions in the book to make the most realistic project possible.

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Luttrell Psalter

1. The Luttrel Psalter is a unique and interesting manuscript created in the 14th century. It portrays stories from the Old Testament and other scenes of historical rustic life.

2. It is a first source because it is an original document from that time period.

3. The Luttrel Psalter is so unique because it has a surprising amount of detail and even humor of everyday life.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Taking a Stand

Andre was 12 years old when Nazis ordered him along with other children to throw stones through Jewish store windows. Andre came home to his father and asked his advice on what to do about it. His father gave him the choice, and Andre decided it would be wrong to carry out the deed. His family left Germany the next day.

Melita Maschmann was well aware of what had happened when she walked through the streets strewn with ash and glass. She knew that Jews were not being treated fairly, but what could she do? She didn't have the power to do anything... besides, the Jews were the enemy, she thought. So although horrible things continued to happen all around her, she chose to go on with her life and block out the injustice that was going on right under her nose.

What would I have done? I would have left the country immediately and promoted justice for the Jews in Germany in other countries that had the power to make a change for the better. I would make a peaceful life in another country and rebel from the borders, where I wouldn't get hurt.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Analyzing Visual Images

1.  Describe what you see in the picture.  Consider color, placement, people and objects, and composition.  Everything that you see.
In this poster, there is a happy family portrayed. They are healthy and smiling. The poster says "Healthy Parents Have Healthy Children"

2.  Interpret:  Guess about the creator is trying to express through the caption and images.  Why is this message being conveyed?
The Nazis are trying to tell people that they need only happy, health people in their county to have a happy, healthy younger generation, A.K.A., not Jews.

Evaluate:  What is the intended purpose of this image?  The intended audience? Does the image achieve its purpose?
They want the whole German population to hate Jews. I think it twisted people's minds enough that they actually believed it.

Propaganda and analyzing visual images

Propaganda means an idea being conveyed through the media to the public. The Nazis used propagada a lot because it was an easy was to twist people's thoughts about the Nazi party. They showed posters of how amazing Hitler and Nazis are and how bad and destructive Jews are. No one stopped them from falsely stereotyping.